Thursday, May 26, 2022

Class #8 - Search Skills

Today will be a bit different, as I will not introduce a new language learning topic. I will talk about improving your Internet search skills so you can find the resources you want when you need them.

Some dates ...
1) Today you will present E-reading
2) Next week is ESL on YouTube; have you found some good channels? (before june 9 (Thurs)before June 14 (Tues))
3) How is Movies, TV, Videos & Trailers going? You will present on that in two weeks (before June 16 (Thurs)before June 21 (Tues))

Today, Kevin will talk about Search

How is your Bibliography? Are you up to date?

  • Andersen, C. H. (1845). The Little Match Girl, iBooks
  • Stevenson, R. L. (1883). Treasure Island, on Marvin
  • Carroll, L. (2016). Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland:150th Anniversary Edition (Coterie Classics) (English Edition) Kindle版, Coterie Classics. qid=1593870758&s=digital-text&sr=1-2

Don't forget, Blog Post #2 is due June 30 (Thurs) (in 4 weeks); July 5 (Tues) class.


Similar / Opposite Meanings Vocabulary Practice Form


Sample photos for searching with a photo:

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Class #7 - Blog Post Pres; also Videos, Movies, TV & Trailers

Here's what's happening today ...

1) Blog Presentations #1

* Blogs need a blog description. Kevin will explain it to those who don't have one.

2) How is your E-Reading experience going so far? Please do this ...

  • Continue to read every day
  • Use an E-reader app on your device
  • If you can't find a suitable book on the E-reader app, ask Kevin!
  • Write about your reading experience
  • Send Kevin a paragraph before before June 2 (Thurs); before June 7 (Tues).

3) Have you started ESL on YouTube? Don't wait! It's due before June 9 (Thurs)June 14 (Tues)!

4) Your next blog post (Blog Post #2) is due June 30 (Thurs). Be ready to present it the same day. July 5 (Tues)

5) I will introduce the next topic today; Videos, Movies, TV & Trailers. You will write a paragraph before June 16 and present on that day.

Videos - movies, TV, online videos, trailers

6) Be sure to always update your bibliography on your Google Drive. You need a source for every book, video, website, etc. that you use.

Example bibliography entries:

Xreading (2020).

Waring, R. (2017). The Invention of Writing, on Xreading,

Sato, T, (2020). My Bakeries,

To review, you have 4 things to write (4 assignments):

  1. E-Reading paragraph; before June 2 (Thurs); before June 7 (Tues)
    * Be ready to show me your e-reading app in class and the book you have downloaded!
  2. ESL on YouTube before June 9 (Thurs)June 14 (Tues)
  3. Videos, Movies, TV & Trailers paragraph; before June 16 (Thurs)before June 21 (Tues)
  4. Blog Post #2 by June 30 (Thurs); July 5 (Tues)
  5. Plus .... update your bibliography in Google Drive

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Class #6 - ESL on YouTube

Today you will present your X-reading paragraphs. Be sure to mention the many functions of Xreading!

Kevin will introduce the topic ESL on YouTube. The point is to find YouTube videos that teach ESL (English as a Second Language) to non-English speakers.

You have 3 assignments

  1. Blog Post #1; post your blogl before May 26 (Thurs); before May 31; (Tues) 
  2. E-Reading paragraph; before June 2 (Thurs); before June 7 (Tues)
    * Be ready to show me your e-reading app in class and the book you have downloaded!
  3. ESL on YouTube before June 9 (Thurs)June 14 (Tues)

Is your Bibliography up to date? Be sure you have a bibliography entry for every item you write about! You need URLs!
* Be ready to show me your bibliography entry for your Xreading book!


Waring, R. (2017). The Invention of Writing, on Xreading,

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Class # 5 - E-reading

Today's topic is E-reading. Kevin will talk about it in class. Like the other topics so far, you will find something to read, write a paragraph and present it (June 2; June 7).

You are already using Xreading, right? That topic is also e-reading, but Xreading is for ESL students. E-reading is for anyone. There is e-reading in any language. However, if you are trying to study English, you may want to try to read a book in English. With e-reading, you can read a book anywhere, anytime. The challenge is to find a book in English at your level.

To do the E-readng topic, you must have an e-reader app on your phone or tablet. Your PC probably doesn't need a special app.

Your first blog post is due May 25; May 31. Post it on your blog. You don't have to send it to me. (But you can tell me you posted by email or Line.)

To review, you have 3 things to write (3 assignments):

  1. Xreading (before May 19 (Thurs)May 24 (Tues)
  2. Blog post #1 May 26 (Thurs)May 31 Tues)
  3. E-Reading paragraph; send to Kevin by email (before June 2 (Thurs)before June 7 (Tues)
Advice for this topic: Check the E-reading page on my website! There is so much useful information there. If you spend some time on that page, this topic will be much easier for you! Getting started is the hardest part!

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Getting an e-book from Project Gutenberg to your Kindle

Use a PC to get a book from Project Gutenberg onto your smartphone Kindle

Easiest way:
1) Find the book you want to read on Project Gutenberg.
2) Use the QR code to find the book with your smartphone.
3) Download the file to your smart phone. (Kindle uses Mobi files. iBooks uses ePub.)
4) Open Kindle or iBooks and read the book.

Another way (more complicated):
You need two apps on your smartphone: the Kindle app and Google Drive

1. Go to Project Gutenberg and find the book you want.

* I chose Compilation of Short Stories by Anton Chekhov (these are Russian stories translated into English). I don't recommend this for you, but it's what I want to read.

2. Select the version you want. I chose Kindle (with images).

3. Download the file to your PC.

4. Go to Downloads in your PC and put the MOBI file on your desktop (cut and paste).  

*MOBI is the name of the special Kindle file.

5. Open your Google Drive and upload the file into your Google Drive.

6. Open the Google Drive app on your smartphone and find the MOBI file. Choose Open In to export it to Kindle.

7. Choose Kindle from the list of apps on your smartphone.

8. Open Kindle. You will find the file in your Kindle Library.

You can also try to download the book to your smartphone Google Drive directly from Project Gutenberg. If you can do this, it will save you some time.

Please try it and tell me if you have trouble.

YouTube video about Kindle in Japanese:


You can also download an e-reader app that lets you download free books directly from Project Gutenberg. Search for Gutenberg at your app store.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Frequent Mistakes in weekly writing

Please avoid these frequent writing errors:
  • Don't send attachments or Google Docs for your weekly writing. Copy and paste your writing into an email and send it to me. 
  • The first sentence in your paragraph needs to introduce what you're writing about.
  • Be careful of spacing; one space after a period. Don't indent.
  • No more than two vocabulary words. 
  • When writing about vocabulary, I need definitions in both English and Japanese.
  • Use "word" 単語 for one word. Use "expression" 表現 for a group of words that have a special meaning together. Ex: I learned the word "independent." I also learned the expression "breaking news."
  • Use the present tense, not the past tense. Say "I think" not "I thought." "I feel" not "I felt."
  • Mistakes in subject (you vs I vs he/she) usually mean that you are using translation software. You have to check what you wrote!

Sunday, May 1, 2022

I'm still waiting ...

Thursday class students - I am still waiting for Writing #1 (ESL online websites) from Daichi and Kiseki. (Kiseki, check your email.)

Everyone, please look at my comments from last week's writing and do it better in Week #2!