Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Class #15 - LyricsTraining

LyricsTraining is today!

Write a short paragraph about your LyricsTraining experience. You will present this today, the last class of the semester, July 21/July 26.

Bibliography Samples
LyricsTraining (2022). Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, "Rain On Me",

LyricsTraining (2022). Tones and I, "Dance Monkey",

On Reddit today: Drone lifeguard saves boy, from /r/news

Have a nice summer!
Thursday class will meet Sept. 15.
Tuesday class will meet Sept. 20.

You will have one more blog post due in September (Sept. 22 Thurs / Sept. 27 Tues). Why don't you write it during the summer holiday? Get ahead so you won't be so busy in the fall.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Class #14 - Reddit Presentations

Bibliography update assignment

Thursday students, I need your bibliography! Your formatting must look exactly like the sample (see link above)! Check spaces, capitalization, italics, spelling, word order, etc. (Tuesday class is finished with this.)

Students will present their Reddit experience today in class.

How was Reddit? Did you make an account? 

Don't forget my lists of subreddits in the previous post and on the Lifelong-English website:

Two recent posts I noticed (for short English lessons):

Some subreddits that might be interesting or fun ...
RedditGetsDrawn - for good or serious artists
RedditGetsDrawnBadly (RGDB) - for artists of any talent level!
Aww - cute pictures & videos of animals; read the titles & comments!
AnimalsBeingBros - animals being helpful or supportive (sometimes just cute together)
Explain Like I'm Five - answers to interesting questions
Jokes - if you want to try and understand some "American jokes" (but not all are American!)

For subreddits related to Japan, there are ...


Japanese life and culture ・ 日本生活や文化

Japanese Media ・ 日本のメディア

Bibliography sample for Reddit:
Reddit (2020). r/JapanPlaces, “100 Gate Shrine-Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine",
_gate_shrine _fushimi_inaritaisha_shrine/

Reddit (2020). r/Japanese In the Wild, “At least they feel guilty about it",

Posting art on Reddit vs Instagram

Reddit link

LyricsTraining is next week!

Write a short paragraph about your LyricsTraining experience. You will present this in the last class, July 21/July 26.

There is one more Thursday class; July 21.
There are two more Tuesday classes; July 19 and July 26.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Class #13 - Streaming Radio Presentations

Did everyone fix all blog errors?

Streaming Radio is due before July 7, Thurs. class; before July 12, Tues. class

Reddit is due July 14. Thurs. classJuly 19, Tues. class

Lyrics Training is due July 21. Thurs. classJuly 26, Tues. class

Bibliography update assignment

Two students in my Tues day class have not yet sent me their Bibliography. Please send it. NO ONE in my Thursday class has sent me their Bibliography! Let's go people!

Your bibliography formatting must look exactly like my sample! Check spaces, capitalization, italics, spelling, word order, etc.


Streaming Radio bibliography examples:

BBC Radio 1 (2022).

90.7 (2022).

Recently on Reddit

Japan deploys artificial intelligence to detect rip currents as beach season hots up ( 神奈川県の離岸流に関する記事 - posted on /r/Japan

Baseball: "Ohtani rule" to go worldwide - KYODO NEWS - Jul 3, 2022 - posted on /r/JapanNews