Today, we will try some pronunciation practice with our smartphones.
Monday, November 28, 2022
Week 11 - Voice Search; also start StoryCorps
Thursday, November 24, 2022
StoryCorps is a public service organization that helps people tell the important stories from their lives. People share their experiences, and the stories are preserved for others to know about some of the amazing, sad and happy things that happen around the world. If you look around this site, you are sure to find stories that make you happy or make you cry. Many of the stories are about small things, but they all give you something to think about.
Chris & Gabe Lopez
In this true story, Chris (mother) and Gabe (child) are talking together. Gabe was born a girl, but she always felt like a boy. Now the child knows that she is really a he. In other words, s/he is transgender. S/he was always worried about what Chris would think if she learned the truth.
More stories ...
1. Julio Diaz - a man talks about his experience when he was robbed by a teenager
2. Bonnie & Myra Brown - a girl talks with her mentally disabled mom
3. Ron Ruiz - a New York City bus driver who remembers one passenger
4. Connie & Blanca Alvarez - Blanca Alvarez was a poor immigrant to the U.S. from Mexico
5. Maurice Rowland & Miguel Alvarez - an amazing story about two guys who refused to abandon some elderly patients when their assisted-living center was shut down
6. Mary Ellen Noone - a rather horrifying story of discrimination in the South in the early 1900s
7. Beverly Eckert - possibly the saddest love story you will ever hear; about the 9/11 disaster
8. The Bookmobile - an inspiring story about how books changed a poor girl's life
9. The Saint of Dry Creek - a great story about a farmer who accepts his gay son and gives him some advice
10. Traffic Stop - a scary story of discrimination in the U.S.
11. No more questions! - Just a nice story about an old Chinese grandma and her memories
12. 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon - a sad story of a soldier who survived a bombing in Iraq
13. The Nature of War - about an American soldier who became friends with 2 Iraqi boys
14. Making It - an inspirational story of a poor kid who worked hard; no script, and the CC voice recognition subtitles have many errors, so try to listen!
15. A Good Man - a boy is kicked out of his home because he's gay, and he later reconnects with his brothers and sister
16. The Road Home - a homeless alcoholic gets some help from a kind man
17. To R. P. Salazar, with Love - a typo leads to true love on the other side of the world
18. Germans in the Woods - a soldier shoots an enemy soldier and can never forget it
19. Sunday at Rocco's - a weekly family gathering ends when an old building is torn down
20. Double Major - a single father tells how he raised his daughter while going to college
Joyce's Neighborhood - a story about a nice mom
Watch one video and make a brief presentation about the story. It's OK if there are spoilers.
If you like these stories, please read and listen to more! There are also podcasts, so you can download the stories and listen to them on your smartphone. The stories have scripts, too, so they good study materials. They're short, but they have a lot of impact.
Thursday, November 17, 2022
Week 10 - Eiken, TOEIC and Other Proficiency Tests
Opinion Aided
TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) tests your English ability for the purpose of working at an international business. Knowledge of business and workplace vocabulary, good listening ability, and the ability to read fast are essential. The highest possible score is 990.
TOEIC is administered in Japan by the IIBC. Here's their site: IIBC website
Exam English - Practice exercises for the Writing Test Part 1
English Club - TOEIC Practice
CanPacific College - Free Online TOEIC Practice Test
Free ETS online TOEIC practice test (email registration required) - Practice Test
TOEIC Bridge is an easier version of TOEIC. The regular TOEIC test is aimed at intermediate to advanced English learners and is a little difficult for many beginning English learners. TOEIC Bridge is a way to get started with TOEIC and begin to understand what TOEIC tests are like.
Exam English - TOEIC Bridge - Reading Part 4 - Incomplete Sentences (25 online questions)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) tests your English ability for the purpose of entering an American university. General and academic vocabulary, good listening ability, and the ability to read and write at a university level are essential. The highest possible score is 120. (Japanese Wikipedia page for TOEFL).
TOEIC and TOEFL tests are both developed and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS), a private non-profit organization that specializes in aptitude testing (能力検定).
TOEFL practice tests
4Tests: Free TOEFL practice tests
American Public School Language Arts (Reading) Practice
As in Japan, schools in the USA have standardized tests for public school children to evaluate their math and language arts progress. Tests are organized by grade level. Below are some links to Language Arts practice exercises for all the grade levels.
Hint: Start with Grade 1; it's not as easy as you might think! This site is not interactive, but you can read the passages, write your answers on a piece of paper, then check the answers at the bottom of the page.
Grade 1 English Language Arts Practice Questions - Grade 2 - Grade 3 - Grade 4 - Grade 5 -
Grade 6 - Grade 7 - Grade 8 - Grade 9 - Grade 10 - Grade 11 - Grade 12 (by Mometrix)
American high school students usually take the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) to get a score of their Math and Reading ability to send to the university they hope to attend. This test has a similar purpose to Japan's "センター試験", now "大学入学共通テスト". Younger high school students, such as 9th & 10th graders, often take the PSAT (Preliminary SAT) to practice for the SAT. Here are some links to online PSAT practice tests and exercises (by Mometrix). (Japanese Wikipedia page for SAT).
PSAT Critical Reading Practice Test
The following PSAT/SAT practice exercises are not interactive. Read the problems, write your answers on a piece of paper, then check the answers at the bottom of the page.
Basic Grammar
Advanced Grammar
Author's Purpose
Basic Reading Comprehension
Reading for the Main Idea
Writing Practice 2
SAT Reading Practice Test
SAT Reading Practice Test by CollegeBoard
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
Week 9 - Report Writing Time
a) come to the classroom (on time) or ...
b) send Kevin a Line message at the start of class saying, "Hi. I understand what to do. I'm working on my report at home. I will send you my completed report soon. Sincerely, Hanako." [If you already sent me your report, you can write that instead.]
Sunday, November 6, 2022
Week 8 - Conclusions due; also Formatting
Did you finish your conclusion and send it to Kevin? It was due before today.
Also, please do the following before class:
1) prepare your report on a Google Doc in Google Drive
2) paste the revised introduction paragraphs #1 & 2 into your report
3) paste your topic paragraphs into your report in your chosen organization order (for example, ESL then Authentic, or Authentic then ESL)
4) the Authentic vs ESL paragraph will go after the introduction
5) paste a sample blog into your report after the Blogging paragraph
6) paste your conclusion into your report
7) paste your bibliography into your report
8) have all of this ready for Kevin to check in class on a classroom PC*
* I want to see this on a PC, not on your smart phone!
9) follow Kevin's formatting instructions (in class)
a) come to the classroom (on time) or ...
b) send Kevin a Line message at the start of class saying, "Hi. I understand what to do. I'm working on my report at home. I will send you my completed report soon. Sincerely, Hanako." [If you already sent me your report, you can write that instead.]
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Week 8 - Formatting the Graduation Report
We will do this in class on Thursday (Nov. 8 / Nov. 10). You don't need to start this yet! Let's do it together in class!
Some steps to take for formatting ...
- Make an extra (unformatted) copy of your graduation report.
- Put placeholders anywhere you haven't finished writing (for example, conclusion).
- Check to see that you have all the parts of your final report.
- Select all. (Ctrl +A).
- Choose font; Times New Roman 14
- Make all letters black.
- Add a cover page. You can copy this template: sample
- Your cover page will include the information below
- title
- Kevin Miller
- 英語英米文学科
- Your name in Kanji
- Your student number and name in Romaji.
- Select all.
- Increase left margin 1 cm.
- Change headings to Heading 2, subheading to Heading 3
- Don't worry about the font at this time.
- Insert page numbers (top right).
- Select all.
- Choose font; Times New Roman. Don't change sizes this time.
- No page number on first page
- Make sure all pages start at the top of the page (if possible).
- Select the Blog sample and move it right using the move right function.
- Select the Academic Quote and movie it right using the move right function.
- Check everything and make adjustments.
- Make a page for Table of Contents. (If you copied the sample above, you already have this.)
- Insert Table of Contents
- Check that page numbers on your Table of Contents are correct.
- Make sure your Bibliography is perfect!
- If you're finished, share your document with Kevin.
- Buy a blue folder at the university bookstore. Give it to Kevin. He will print your final report and put it in the cover. He will tell you when to pick it up.
Get this file folder ONLY! Kokuyo A4-S フ-550
Friday, November 4, 2022
Smart Quotes
Please check your report for smart quotes and smart apostrophes.
When you copy and paste text from a blog, you probably get the 'dumb' version (top in red). Your quotation marks and apostrophes should look like the ones at the bottom (in green). Please check your paper and be sure you have smart quotes and smart apostrophes every time. It's trouble to check one by one, but please do it.
You may be able to use the 'find and replace' function, though some people may have trouble doing this. But you should try, as it can be much faster. Notice that the left smart quotes always have a space before them (but not after), while the smart quotes on the right always have a space after (but never before). You can find and replace a space plus the mark!
How to use the "Find/Replace" function in Google Docs:
1) Open your report and click Ctrl H.
2) In the Find box, type the word or punctuation (such as dumb quotes) you want to replace.
3) In the Replace With box, type the version you want to have in your final report.
4) Click on Replace All.
All instances will be replaced at once.