How to write about vocabulary you learned.
- Explain the meaning of the word in English and Japanese.
- To find a good definition of the word in English, use Google's dictionary function. For example, imagine you learned the word 'annoyance.' In the Google search box, type: define: annoyance
The explanation is: "the feeling or state of being annoyed; irritation" You can then copy that and paste it in your writing. - Be careful to find the correct definition. Also, please be brief. Too many words is not good.
- No more than 2 vocabulary words each week, please. One is OK.
Here are some student examples from previous years.
• I learned a few words from these two sites. The first is "manager." This means "a person responsible for managing an organization." The meaning in Japanese is "支配人,管理者."
• I learned a new word on these ESL online websites, First, I learned “packrat." The word's original meaning is a kind of rat but in this situation, the word is used to mean “a person who stores a lot of things at home (家に物をたくさん溜め込む人)." “Packrat” is a word that means the opposite of a minimalist. Second, I learned “impactful." It means “having a powerful effect on a person or situation (影響力のある)."
• There are some other new words I've learned by looking at various categories. I'll introduce one. It is "annoying." The meaning in Japanese is「うるさい、迷惑な」and the meaning in English is "irritating."
• I found some new words. First is "popsicle", it means ice cream or frozen flavored juice on a small wooden stick, and "棒付きアイスキャンデー" in Japanese. Second is "saucer." It means "a small shallow dish for holding a cup at the table" and "受け皿" in Japanese.
• I learned some words. The first word is “brave." It means “勇敢な” in Japanese, and “intrepid” in English. The second world is “affectionate." It means “愛情深い” in Japanese, and “loving deeply” in English.
• I learned new vocabulary. The first word is ‘‘relive." It means ‘‘再び経験する’’ in Japanese and ‘‘to remember or imagine something that happened in the past so clearly that you experience the same emotions again’’ in English. Second I learned ‘‘extremely." It means ‘‘極端に’’ in Japanese and ‘‘to a very great degree’’ in English.
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