Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Class 11 - Streaming TV News Presentations; also Radio & Reddit

Today you will present Streaming TV News (Thurs, June 23)

More about Streaming Radio

*Music please; not streaming news or podcasts; those are separate topics.

1) Tell us how you find out about new music.

2) Go to the Streaming Radio page on Kevin's website.

3) Check out these sites in class:
4) Choose a streaming radio app and download it. (You can try both if you like.)

5) Listen to it seriously over the next two weeks. Use your smartphone or a PC. Try to listen every day for as long as possible* Try to find something that you enjoy, but then try to stick with it for a while so you can write about it.

* Use Wi-fi when at home or school so you don't use too much data.

6) Please choose a radio station with a DJ! Music only is not as good for learning English as music plus DJ talk.

7) Write about your experience. Think about questions like these (but not only these!): Did you find something you enjoyed? Were you introduced to something new? What did you find? Did you try to learn more about the artist or news topic? Could you understand some of the English? What new vocabulary did you learn? How will this activity help you learn English in the future? Write as much as possible and be specific!

Please type on a PC! If you write with your smartphone, you will make many mistakes.

Examples from previous years' students are here.

* You must keep a record of which radio stations you listened to! You can look up the URL later. You need this for your bibliography!

8) Your writing is due in two weeks.

After your presentations, Kevin will introduce Reddit.

Writing about Reddit
Use Reddit seriously over the next two weeks. Check your favorite subreddits every day (on the train or bus, or at home on your tablet or PC). Explore new subreddits and keep looking for interesting stuff. Make Reddit a daily habit.

Write about your experience using Reddit. Think about questions like these (but not only these!): Did you find something you enjoyed? Were you introduced to something new? What did you find? Include the article/post name. Could you understand the English? What new vocabulary did you learn? How will using Reddit help you learn English in the future? Write details and be specific!

Send your writing to Kevin. Your writing about Reddit is due in three weeks and you will present on the same day.

To Do List
1) Streaming TV News June 23, Thurs. classJune 28, Tues. class
2) Blog Post #2 is due next week before June 30, Thurs. classJuly 5, Tues. class
3) Streaming Radio; before July 7, Thurs. class; before July 12, Tues. class
4) Reddit is due July 14. Thurs. classJuly 19, Tues. class

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